Banjo Barb - I've been playing claw-hammer-style banjo for about 2 years. Homespun Tapes and Mike Iverson's website are my primary sources of instruction. The right hand banjo technique is so dang counter-intuitive to the guitar, but strangely enough I can switch instruments without
missing a beat. Dan isn't impressed...he says the banjo just sounds all the same.

Mom and Dad celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on December 18th at the Starlight Inn. As Dad says, "57 and counting!" I got to join the celebration which was done in true George and Ann style.

This autumn picture was taken from our deck overlooking the pond and Tom's corn. We don't rake leaves on the farm because they simply blow away in good time.

Labor Day weekend.

Here is Tom playing the ever-popular "Stump" game which originated from northern California.

Karen is pretty good at the game. She has to wear sunglasses to ward off the Stump paparazzi.

I'm more of a chump at Stump.

This Stump player usually delivers lots of laughs with his style.