After being away in Argentina over spring break, it was great to come home and enjoy a home cooked meal of grilled salmon, salad, and my mom's mac-n-cheese recipe! You can see the Charango I brought home from Argentina on the wall. It is a 10 stringed instrument used in Andean folk music that is tuned kind of like a ukelele.

The kids all came home to surprise their parents for their birthdays in late March! The dining room was transformed WI-fi work space one morning. Tom thought there was more visiting and coffee drinking than there was work getting done.

It was Ann's and my turn to make breakfast for the baseball team a couple of Saturdays ago. We made biscuits-n-gravy, egg casseroles, and sweet rolls. No wonder they won!!

Dan had quite a cheering section that morning!

Checking out the farm...

The farmer offering commentary...

Tom had to check his corn in the bin.

Joel and Tom talking some ag issues.

Love is in the air!