I got to be with Elwoods three times in the span of 3 weeks! First, I went back to NYS to help my parents begin the seemingly daunting task of preparing to move to a retirement community. A week later my brothers, their families and I surprised my parents when my dad was honored as Republican of the Year for his many years of service to Delaware County. The third event was for my niece's commencement from college.
My sista-in-law Carol did a fabulous job making all the travel arrangements for my parents and her mom to attend Teri's commencement from the U of AZ!
Sista-in-law Carolyn and daughter Kylie
Tom and I attended Karen's masters degree commencement in environmental science from U of CO! Joel and Karen
While Dan was off in Mexico with one roommate, his other roommate allowed us to hold Karen's graduation party for 16 people at their house. As you can see Cole didn't mind at all - he got free beer, food, 2 kinds of homemade pie (LC), and a cleaner kitchen by the time we left.
Correias and Schlatters
After dropping farmer Tom at the Denver airport I set off for Tucson, AZ for niece Teri's graduation. I bagged 5 national parks en route: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and the Grand Canyon. The drive was an incredible experience with stretches of 50-60 miles between tiny little towns. One road was so beautiful and scary that I didn't even dare stop and take a picture!
Bryce Canyon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
Here is Teri with her grandma Judy and boyfriend Ryan at the Material Sciences Engineering commencement dinner. Teri graduated with honors and has already started work at a company with government defense contracts.
Karen and Joel attended the festivities, too!
Elwood girls and their grandparents