Monday, November 19, 2007

There goes VW Bug # 46!!

Greetings from Villarrica, Paraguay! Dan has been punch-bugging us for the last 3 days (he´s up to 46). Who wudda thunk there would be Volkswagon "punch bugs" down here!!??

It is the rainy season here, no doubt about it. That hasn´t stopped us from having a great time. Karen narrowly made it out of her site during a huge rainstorm before the buses stopped running. Once again (like in May), we met at the bus terminal during a tiny shower!

Everything so far (food, South American wine, highways, you know...the basics etc.) has been great. The rain has kept us from visiting Karen´s community, but we´re going to make a concerted effort to get there tomorrow. In the meantime we've been visiting Villarrica, eating well, playing cards, and visiting with Karen!

Today we started down her road to just check out the became obvious that we should turn back when, all of the sudden, a white VW bug went slipping by which sent us into gales of laughter only to be followed by Dan´s report that...there goes number 40!
Having lots of fun getting caught up with Karen. She is one tough but sweet cookie!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...


Love Jeanne