The last time our power went out Tom had to resort to a new method for warming up the diesel fuel in the tractor. Tom found an old butcher kettle that his dad used years ago (I won't go into those stories!!) and added some charcoal. It was working beautifully until...the power came back on!
We both agree that this has been the most significant weather event we've ever experienced. We are entirely sick of ice, power outages, generators, etc. Dan, on the other hand, measures weather events by the extent to which his XBox playing time and/or ESPN channel surfing is compromised.
Tom and I went to the power company Christmas party a week or so ago. The CEO spent time acknowledging the staff, board, and the linesmen. The real heroes, though, are the linesmen who drive around in all kinds of weather working double shifts to replace poles, hook up wires, etc.
Here is Tom walking on the ice to our porch.
Pretty good for an old man :)
Love the younger sister
That take some skill!
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