Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Spring on the farm

This picture illustrates farm-style entertainment at its best. It is unclear who is doing the tormenting, the dog or the squirrel. Click on the picture for a closer look.

Here is Dan receiving his 8th grade diploma from PC. A perk of being on the school board is getting to present the diploma to your child. Dan informed me in no uncertain terms that there would be no hugs or kisses during this moment. To the right of my head are the relatives in the bleachers!

Tyler, Stuart, Josh, Kyle, and Dan

Tom cut down that awful tree in the front yard. I'm not sure what I've gained, however, because he created a throne out of the stump.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Keeping up with the Jones, farmer-style...

There has been a lot of rain this spring. By now, Tom would probably like to have his corn crop in the ground and be getting ready to plant beans but it has been too wet. When we go places he is always on the lookout for dust in the field (which means someone is out there planting or tilling or something). Today he heard a tractor engine going by. He had to relocate to the porch to try and figure out who it was and what he was doing. If you enlarge the picture, you can just see the red tractor pulling out of site.

Dan is a day shy of his 14th birthday in this picture. 

Here is my grandfather: Vincent Nathan Elwood.