Here is our fearless dog taking a snooze. Tom and Dan fixed her up a few years ago with cedar siding on her house and a heater under her mat. Oh dear, and you can even see some evidence of Trapper Tom's work in the lower left corner! He needs to check the traps again.

Here I am on my last bike ride of 2010. It was 19 degrees with a SE wind at 12 mph. This is our 600 North Road looking west. Enlarging this picture is not recommended. I reached my goal of 1500 miles in 2010, but the last 22 miles were rather unpleasant.
This picture was taken on 3500 East Road facing north. This was the only stretch of road that was snow covered (it is next to Tom's Koehler Farm).
Wow Barb you are hard-core! I don't think I've ever ridden my bike in that much snow! Great job on reaching your goal!
Shadow dog is so spoiled :0) Monte would love to live with Shadow!
Ewww!!!! I just enlarged the picture of shadow to look at how cute he/she is & well Shadow is very cute indeed the dead mouse next to him/her is not! Poor shadow is not as spoiled as I thought!
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