Tuesday, May 31, 2011

West Coast Reception

Tom making his famous oatmeal cookies. He doctors the recipe by adding additional oatmeal and cinnamon.

I flew into Eureka/Arcata on a 30-seater plane. When we finally slipped below the clouds there was a glorious view of the coast.

A common sign along the coast!

Pat and Doug invited both sides of the family to dinner at the Eel River Brewery.

Claire and Uncle Joel

Suddenly the skies opened up and there was liquid sunshine!! Those sandwiches were still very tasty!!

Joel's dad (in next picture) has 8 siblings and they greatly resemble one another! We enjoyed meeting the family! You can see them huddling together to keep warm and out of the rain!

Trees and wine bottles are noticeably bigger in northern California!

Along the Van Duzen River

Giant redwoods

Hiking in Grizzly Bear State Park before the festivities. There were no grizzly sightings.

They held their reception in a grove of redwoods.

A banana slug headed for the clover.

Grilled oysters and artichokes for appetizers!

They have different names for their games in northern CA. This one is called Balls a Danglin'!

The chef grilling the artichokes.

This game is Stump. The object is to toss the hammer for 1 revolution into the air and, with the same motion, catch it and hit someone else's nail into the stump. You eliminate people by hitting their nail into the stump. Karen was quite good at this game.

Joel's brother was also good at this game.

Young Lewis played unaided by small children or drinking cups.

Redwood graffiti

There was plenty of down home, foot stompin' bluegrass music.


Quite a dinner served under the pagoda tent in the redwood grove.

Rev. Dustin officially married Joel and Karen before they left for their wedding in Paraguay last year. He gave a summary of his ceremony in this picture.


Grab your partner and do si do!

Redwood tree huggers mean business!

"I'll Fly Away."

The last is a video clip of the game Stump. It is 11 seconds long and worth a peek! You can hear Karen saying, "she's not exactly graceful!" Oh dear!

1 comment:

Hitchhiker42 said...

We had a sign like that Tsunami Warning sign on the beach in Seaside, California. The funny thing was that it said, "Tsunami Evacuation Route" and underneath that, "Speed Limit 10 MPH". Haha, yeah right. If there is a tsunami, I'm going a lot faster than 10 mph. :)