Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tour de Chatsworth

A bicycle race? In Chatsworth? You bet! On 9/10/11, Gordon realized a dream he'd had for quite some time.

If you click on the picture for a closer look, you'll see he thought of everything in the organization of this event!

Bobby, Steve, and Dennis helped with race logistics.

Mark is resting up before his flight. Tom mostly trash-talked while Dan pondered entering the fray.

Here is Gordon crossing the finish line.

They had music, adult beverages, and food.

And everyone was invited.

Diane greeted the crowd as she sailed across the finish line.

I've ridden nearly 1300 miles in 2011 and this kid of mine not only jumped on my bike to do a lap, he beat my time!

Mike Leahy's great artwork: Tour de Chatsworth.


Erin (and Dusty) said...

Impressive race!! I was shocked that there were cash prizes!!! And shocked at all the spectators shown...hopefully there were more than just that :0)

Did you all race individually or all at once? I assume all at once but the pics & info. lead me to believe seperatly?

Barb said...

We did flights of 4 at 30 second intervals. There were about 25 or 30 spectators. So fun!