Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall Fun

 ISU's Homecoming with Noelle and Brock was great except for the L at the end of the day. 
 Where the heck is the pot of gold?
 In Illinois you never know when you'll run into a real ass.
 This 70% chocolate is Tom and Dan's new "go to" after dinner chocolate.  It's made in Boulder, CO. I keep waiting for Tom to read me the "love poem inside."
Senior night at Prairie Central.  Dan with his parental units.
As mentioned before, the corn crop is about 1/3 of a typical year. Here are a couple of ears he brought home this summer.  The one on the left didn't pollinate at all.

Tom and I took a bike ride on the Constitution Trail and ended up at ISU. 

Deer Mountain in Estes Park, CO  

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