Sunday, January 6, 2013

What I Learned on my Trip to the West Coast

10.  Get rid of the old rat poison pail and invest in a real Kitchen Compost Canister.
9.  Get a salad spinner.
8.  Start carting cloth bags and old plastic bags to the grocery store. Plastic bags have been banned in San Francisco, and they charge a 10 cent tax if you need a paper bag!
7.  Rent a bike and take a ride.
6.  If you're Dan, you'd skip the stupid bike and rent an ATV.
5.  Celebrate your dining room table's wood and get rid of the table cloth.
4. While you're at it, forget buying paper napkins and just go with cloth.
3.  There's no such thing as bad weather, just soft people.
2.  Skip the taxi cab and call a cool, classy black Uber car.

and the number one thing I learned (from my 17 year old) on my trip to the west coast...

1.  Ten days is too long to spend with your parents and without Xbox.

1 comment:

Nancy Woods said...

One of the things that I miss when I retired was your frequent humor. Thanks for sharing this, beschla!!!!! Miss you (but don't miss working at all). :-)