Thursday, March 20, 2014

Big Boyz Toyz and more

 Tom's new John Deere arrived today. This is the first tractor  that Tom has had that isn't already 15 years old.  Contrary to my original observation it DOES have a seat belt. No cab, though, just a roll bar.
 Tom likes to follow Hap Arnold's (5 star general from WW II and part of the family thanks to Kathy and Rob Arnold of Chandelle Winery, Sonoma, CA) philosophy or not getting sick when traveling.  It involves have 1 or 2 shots of whiskey each day...of course, the one day Tom skipped in Guatemala guess what happened.

Here he is at 7 am trying to make up for the day he missed previously. Oh dear.  Oh dear, Oh dear. Tom was quite pleased with it all!
And how about that hotel room?

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