Aerial spraying our beans at home.

Farm machinery parts stores don't always get Tom's name quite right. The best is when the parts people hide your order in the bushes outside the store because you can't get there until after hours. It's like farmer-style PokemonGo!

Moving day in Hancock! See all those empty shelves where the mini beer mug collection used to be? The collection is in my office at work now (see the next picture). Charlie came to watch the big move and to see Mom and Dad end a chapter and start a new one.
Mom insisted on a walk through so she could inspect the empty house. Here she is with Charlie in the cellar.
And there goes the truck! The movers had quite a corner to maneuver on a very steep hill, but they did it. The whole thing made me teary-eyed but not my parents! They were excited to make the move!
This is the kitchen in their new home. Very spacious and full of all new appliances! We still had some unpacking to do.
Carolyn and Kylie made a nice wreath for their door. And Rex the Dog came out of a long retirement to guard their doorway (bottom right).
Mom's cap from Bellevue Nursing School in NYC, a Yankee baseball, and a Rutgers beer mug on a placemat made by Aunt Harriet...and Rex keep watch below.
Mom is checking for mail. They seem pretty happy with their move. No more mowing, shoveling, or driving up and down steep Sutterlein Street. Acacia Village hosts a happy hour every Friday which is a big hit. The food is good, there's lots of places to get exercise both indoors and out, and most of all, they like the people they've met!
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