Saturday, October 15, 2016

Outstanding October Operations

Tom's combine was on the fritz for about a week at the start of harvest. But now that it is fixed things seem to be progressing slowly and surely. 
 I zipped out to Colorado for family weekend in Boulder. Karen was returning from Mexico on this day but Joel, Dan and I managed to enjoy a beautiful hike at a place called Lost Lake. 

The four of us were able to have dinner one of the nights I was there so I eventually did get to see Karen. :)

The next day Dan took me to the Boulder Watershed where he lived and worked this summer.

The next picture is of one of the lakes in the watershed at 10-11,000' feet. The spec of snow in the mountains is the Arapaho glacier.
Our national conference was in St. Louis this year.  Amy, me, Marta and Tracy

Below was ISU's homecoming with Brock, Noelle, young Maddox, and somewhere in there is tiny Charlotte. 

This photo was taken in NYC near Bellevue Hospital where Mom did her nurse's training. In this picture the nurses (Mom is smiling in the bottom right) have brought the patients outside to watch the Barnum and Bailey Circus parade.

After 20 years we were reunited with Christian and Maria Guilliod, MBA classmates of Tom's from the U of IL.  They are from Venezuela and Christian is Dan's Godfather.  We had a great time at the farm and Dan checked in from Colorado to Facetime with his "compadre." 

Can you believe the election is almost here?  I am an early voter because there are always some local races that I know nothing about and wonder whether to just leave things blank or just vote for someone for the sake of voting. By voting early I can take my time and try to get some questions answered before I fill out the ballot.

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