Friday, August 30, 2024

Bulgaria 2024!

It’s been a few years since I’ve blogged.

We are in Bulgaria for about 10 days, hoping to drive around the country and see the sights. An early impression is that the country seems to be off the beaten tourist path compared to some of the stories circulating in the news about travel to Europe this summer.  

Pedestrian walkway, Vitosha Blvd in Sofia. Vitosha Mountain in the background.

Central Hotel Sofia - Tom is happy. He found the Bloomberg channel on TV and is able to surf the markets. After all, he’s on vacation! 

For my brother Tom, Bulgaria has “botaboxes” too, only they are 5 liters not 3! And they only cost $12.50! 😀
Coffee and a banista which is a tasty traditional Bulgarian pastry. 
A past time seems to be hanging out with a friend with a drink and some smokes. 
I don’t know what this thing is but I want one.

Tom bought some of these bright blue plums. 

Alexy Nevesky Patriarchal Cathedral built between 1882 & 1924 to commemorate and honor the thousands of Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Finnish, and Romanian soldiers who died during the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman’s rule between 1877-1878.

Next is a picture from the interior where people light candles as a symbol of prayer. 

Is this Fiat a holdover from a Pink Panther movie?

Kabob made from pork neck. Quite tasty! 

The next pic is rakiya, a plum brandy wine, a speciality of Bulgaria. 

Is anyone looking, because I’m gonna eat this! 

Russian Orthodox Church - love those onion-shaped domes. 

Me-n-Tom Terrific

Tomorrow it’s on to Plovdiv, 2 hours by rental car. Peace out!