Monday, January 25, 2016

One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster...

At last I arrived in Bangkok to find Panpim, Natedaow, and Nune waiting for me.  The flight from MN to Tokyo was the longest (13 hrs) but the final leg to Thailand (6 hrs) was like childbirth...terrible to endure but quickly forgotten once reunited with these folks!

Srinakharinwirot University (SWU) has changed since 2009 with lots of new buildings. I'm staying at Swutel which is the university hotel and international college all rolled into the same place.  I have a suite which includes a queen bed, bathroom, living room, TV, and kitchen.

 Green tea - I'm in a tizzy lately because my blood pressure was slightly high at the dentist's office last week. I've read that 2 cups of green tea a day can help, so what better place to drink it than in Southeast Asia!
I needed to get a visa for my passport because we're taking a 4 day class field trip to Laos on Thursday. These 3 SWU students were assigned to take me to the Laos Embassy. It was only 7 km away but took 30 minutes driving through the crazy Bangkok traffic. They took me to a mall (their favorite pasttime) to wait while the visa was being processed.  This is Lee, Pat, and Palm.
 Some happy Budda fruit.
Maybe I'll get to try some tongue fish while I'm here.
Palm told me that some Thais like to use this instant whitening cream to lighten their skin.  The grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it?
Me and my Thai soulmate, Panpim.  The building where I'm staying and working is the multicolored building which is right behind me.

1 comment:

Margo said...

OMG - tongue fish?! The jokes write themselves ;-) Hope you're having a great time!! It's fun to travel with you vicariously thru your blog - thanks for sharing!